Materialidades, ecologías, estéticas

Knowing Borders

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“What modes of attention allow us to recognize the entrenched infrastructural violencias and dispossession of border politics and revindicar solidarity, care, and multispecies flourishing?”

One of the driving questions of the special section, Knowing Borders

Sobre el Proyecto

Knowing Borders

In this pocho Special Section, we invite our readers to engage with borders and migration through the lens of feminist STS theory. Writing in English, Spanish, and a mix of both, we seek to constitute a linguistic third space for feminist collaboration that brings attention to English-language hegemony in publishing and offers clues for nurturing multilingual communities. Our interventions follow three lines of inquiry: the promise of attending to intimate infrastructures to interrogate borders and their materialities, how more than human migrations and ecologies of care offer new engagements with the threatened multispecies landscapes of the Mexican borderlands, and finally, the power of artistic and activist engagements to render visible systemic forms of erasure and nurture community in the face of persistent violence.


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